THE GREATER LOS ANGELES EMERGENCY SIMPLEX NET Though many of us enjoy the use of the incredible repeater systems around, what happens if they go down in an earthquake or other event? So on July 29, 2014 we humbly started a pure simplex net for the downtown Los Angeles area. As it grows, my hope is that we will have direct and relayed transmissions from all over Southern California so that if these systems are down, we have a radio network in place for transmitting emergency traffic. Starting with only 8 checkins, it has now grown to 100+ unique operators checking in and extends from Chatsworth to Catalina and Monrovia to the coast to Thousand Oaks. That is a range of almost 83 Miles and a coverage of roughly 4,500 square miles. These are some of our latest nets. And on February 15th, 2017 we broke several records. Via relay we hit San Diego (our furthest south), Oxnard (our furthest west) and somehow Palm Desert (our farthest north). This extended the reach of the net to 151 miles with a coverage of 4,530 square miles. JANUARY 23, 2017 This one I Frankensteined from three different nets… JULY 20, 2016 Had one of the longest relays tonight. Reach of the net was 56.9 miles…. JUNE 29, 2016 JANUARY 27, 2014 – THE MARKING OF OUR 100TH STATION CHECKING IN THIS IS A MAP OF EVERY TRANSMISSION FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE NET APRIL 13, 2016 MARCH 10, 2015 NOVEMBER 11, 2014 – ONE OF OUR EARLIEST NETS