Kevin Rolly is a full time working artist in downtown Los Angeles
K1KMO is his official Ham Radio FCC call sign

But he is also a trained volunteer in disaster preparedness through CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and teaches his Earthquake 101 class around the city. In addition, he is also an Extra Class licensed Ham Radio Operator who volunteers with various emergency communications organizations such as…

ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) Net Control Operator for the North East, Northwest and South Divisions
ACS (Auxiliary Communications Services) with the Los Angeles Fire Department
ALERT (Altadena Emergency Response Team)
DARN (Disaster Area Radio Network)

And is the Chief Instigator and Net Control Operator for the Greater Los Angeles Emergency Simplex Net; an independent radio net established for the sake of emergency communications in the event of an emergency and radio repeaters are down. “Simplex” communications are the purest form of radio communication and simply involve radio operators talking directly to one another on the same frequency. Except in this case….with a lot more power and a lot more distance.

And in the words of Mister Rogers when speaking to kids when something scary happens, he said to go find “the helpers.”
Kevin wants to be one of the helpers…